Toy Stories—Daniel Cerejo Brings His Favorite Toys To Life In Humorous Everyday Scenes
The idea which was so well realised in the Toy Story movies that toys have a life of their own the minute their owner leaves, is an incredible potent one.
Trouble is, you get older and people will start to mock you for still believing such a thing. But the good thing is, as an adult you can create your own reality. And that's exactly what photographer Daniel Cerejo does.
Daniel told INK361, "I think my style of photography reflects my personality and my sense of humor. I like to laugh and I just shoot what amuses me. First of all, I love to photograph people. For me, photos with people are the most powerful. Then, I try to put them in funny situations or poses to recreate the ideas that flow through my mind and through the inspiration I get from people I follow."
In various scenes he brings various different action figures—from Star Wars to Adventure Time–to life, by recreating humorous every day situations for them to inhabit.
The results are very funny. Check out some of them below. And head to his Instagram page for more toy adventures.
H/T - Daniel Cerejo