Twitter Responds With Ridicule And Hilarity To Arrival Of iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and Apple Watch
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So by now we've all heard and read about Apple's new iPhones and watch. Basically it means Apple now own your phone, your wrist and your wallet.
Thankfully though Twitter was on hand to give its much needed opinion on the new devices, pooling the hivemind to give some real insight into the brand's latest crop of tech, i.e. it ridiculed it. It's the same way the iPad went, we'll mock it now but within the year will be scratching each other's eyes out to get our hands on an Apple Watch.
The event started off not ideally, as there were problems with the live stream which buckled under the amount of people tuning into events at Cupertino. The video would disappear then reappear with Chinese dubs or people were greeted with a test pattern page. Twitter quickly picked up on this, with even Denny's making fun of Apple.
Naturally a hashtag was quickly started #ThingsBetterThanAppleLive.
Once things settled down the excitement was palpable, even pets were looking forward to Apple's announcements, although sadly they would've been disappointed.
Then, as soon of news of the watch broke, the jokes came in thick and fast.
So excited for the Apple Watch. For centuries, we’ve checked the time by looking at our phones. Having it on your wrist? Genius. #AppleLive
Tim Cook just said “it’s amazing what you can do from your wrist…” I agree, Tim, I so agree… #AppleEvent

The new iPhones didn't get spared either.
I don’t know why anyone would want an iPhone 6. I’ve had the same phone for the last 10 years and it does everything.
"The bigger screen allows people further away to see that you have an iPhone. Never be mistaken for a poor person again."
Here's one of my iPhone classic favorites by Nate Beeler #iPhone6 #AppleLive #iPhone6Launch #AppleEvent #iPhone6Plus
Apple Vs Samsung.RT and Spread the reality.#AppleLive #AppleEvent #iWatch #iPhone6 #TimCook #AppleWatch #iPhone6Plus
Predictive text on the new iPhone is actually pretty awfuTHIS PRODUCT IS AMAZING AND APPLE IS PERFECT. ALL HAIL APPLE.
I wish the new iPhone 6 had a feature that would slap the shit out of anyone who scrolls through someone's pictures without asking.
Your phone is tiny. Your wallet is obsolete. Your watch is an artifact. Now comes the long dark night of your technological discontent.
There was also a hilarious #iPhone6Questions hashtag where people posted mock questions.
I'll make this quick because I'm tweeting from an iPhone, but will the battery lif #iphone6questions
And, finally, the question that's on every Apple fan's lips...