
Twitter Users Take To, Well, Twitter To Express Anger Over The Introduction Of Heart 'Likes'

Very recently Twitter introduced a new system for showing your appreciation of someone else's tweet. Instead of 'favoriting' it with a star, you now 'like' it with a heart. Goodbye to the star symbol, hello to a love heart.

Twitter's reasons for the change, stated in a blog post, are that they "want to make Twitter easier and more rewarding to use, and we know that at times the star could be confusing, especially to newcomers. You might like a lot of things, but not everything can be your favorite."

The heart is something used by Instagram to show appreciation and obviously likes are what Facebook uses so people can express how totally rad that post about your new baby is.

You might think something like this would pass without incident, but if so you must be a complete fool. This is 2015, people get riled about anything and have social media to fire off their thoughts quicker than they can finish thinking them.

So, while some people no doubt like the change, mainly the top brass at Twitter HQ, it seems most people are full of hatred for it, while also struggling to come to terms with the loss of the star.

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