#Twitterpurge Hashtag Goes Disastrously Wrong, Results In Swaths Of Revenge Pr0n
And here's why we can't have nice things. As a PR exercise to coincide with the release of The Purge: Anarchy—a sequel to last year's The Purge—the hashtag #twitterpurge was created. The film's based on the idea that all crime is legal for one night ever year and the idea was for users to go crazy and post freely on twitter throughout the day using that hashtag (kind of a dumb idea really).
But this being the internet #twitterpurge was soon hijacked and people decided to use it as an excuse to post not only violent images but also, and this is where it really failed, a whole lot of revenge porn of underage girls—with the aim to shame and humiliate them.
After one teenager set up an account to "try to replicate the anything-goes phenomenon on the social networking site" other a-holes jumped on board posting explicit images. The original account was eventually shut down but copycats soon emerged and twitter was awash with revenge porn.
But while some users acted like total dicks, sharing the images and gleefully enjoying the explicit thrills, others fought back and started to parody the hashtag. Even Urban Dictionary got involved.

And here's some Twitter users parodying those that took part and the whole idea of the hashtag.
Omg guys, we need to stop the #TwitterPurge this girl doesn't deserve being exposed like this, shame on you
But finally some sanity shined through.
via The Guardian