Dadholes Halloween - Two Weary Dads Hilariously Moan About How Much They Hate Hallows Eve
Hallows' Eve is imminent and if you're a father that means it's Dadholes Halloween which entails spending lots of money on cheap sh*t for your kids. At least, that's how the dads in this hilarious sketch by comedian Chris Wylde put it. The video is part of Wylde's ongoing, sporadic web series Dadholes and this is its Halloween special.
The idea behind Dadholes Halloween is that two jaded dads, Wylde and Darrell Britt-Gibson, sit on a park bench watching their kids play while discussing how much they hate their lives, wives, kids and pretty much everything.
And they don't hold back on the bitterness either, remarking on how much they detest halloween now that they have families. With Wylde's character remarking about his costume, which is a skeleton, "I'm dressed as a man who is literally bled dry by his needy, expensive family." This is how life is to all the Dadholes out there.
Dadholes Halloween Is Every Father's Horror Story

Even the seemingly innocent jack o'lantern becomes a twisted symbol of a Dadholes unfulfilling life. "The pumpkin is a metaphor for my marriage." Wylde laments. "Once well-rounded and full of life, then plucked from the vine and gutted, carved, then placed prominently on display for the entire neighbourhood to see die rapidly—one single flicker of light soon too will die."
"At least your baby sleeps," remarks Britt-Gibson. "Only when I'm awake" comes Wylde's rejoinder. With its quick fire lines and dark humor, Dadholes Halloween is downright hilarious, whether you're a parent or not.
But if you are a parent, especially a dad, then you'll enjoy it even more. As one dad in the YouTube comments notes, "I love these videos. As a father of three kids, these videos seem to speak to my inner core."
Happy halloween! And make sure you check out some more of Chris Wylde's 'Dadholes' videos on Youtube.