'Uptown Funk' Sung By 280 Hollywood Movies Is So Much Better Than The Original Version
You probably think that so long as you live you never, ever, EVER want to hear another mashup or parody version of Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars' "Uptown Funk"—and if you'd had asked me yesterday I would have agreed with you. But this version is something else.
Well that's before we knew about this amazing labor of love that resulted in something so impressive that you just have to make an exception and give this one a watch/listen.
YouTuber dondrapersayswhat, who is the dedicated soul behind this version, spent three months making it. That's right, three whole months (is this guy insane or what?)-And it features 280 popular movies, from Pulp Fiction to Star Wars: A New Hope, to Clerks, Shaft, there's just so many.
Each singing a line or word from the song, or doing a little dance (looking at you Napoleon Dynamite) so that it's performed verbatim.
This must surely now rank as the definitive, and best, version—and in my mind it's much better than the original.
So well done to dondrapersayswhat but please, internet, let this be the end of the matter. No more "Uptown Funk" parodies. Please.