Initmacy Coach Kim Anami Weightlifts Objects Like Dounuts And Surfboards With Her Vagina
When you hear the words "intimacy coach" you just know it has to be a euphemism for something else. And that something else is Kim Anami's Vaginal Kung Fu. Anami first came to the internet's attention last year, and now she's caught its attention again thanks to a documentary about her by Barcroft TV.
Amami lives in Los Angeles and encourages women to strengthen their pelvic muscles through the act of lifting objects—jars of pesto, donuts, hand fans, coconuts—with their vaginas. To lift them Amami attaches some string to a jade egg which she inserts into her vagina. She then attaches the objects she wants to lift to the other end and gets to work on some vaginal martial arts.
“I first started practicing what I now call Vaginal Kung Fu–the mastery of all things vagina—20 years ago." Amami told Bancroft. "It is based on ancient Taoist practices women used 5,000 years ago to strengthen the pelvic floor and increase sexual pleasure.”
Amami says lifting the objects, you start off small and work your way up to Amami's level which includes surfboards and glass chandeliers, can help fight depression, provide health benefits, and help empower women.
She has thousands of followers on Instagram and runs online courses to teach women the art of Vaginal Kung Fu. The practice does have some basis in science too, according to LA gynaecologist Dr Stephen A Rabin.
"The idea of strengthening the vaginal muscles is a good one because having more blood flow, more innervation and more sensation is always a good thing down there." he told Barcroft. "Physically in terms of being able to strengthen the vagina to actually hold weights of this magnitude—the vagina muscles in the pelvic floor are like a basket. When you strengthen these muscles, to get them fuller and bigger you are increasing your muscles down there that also keep the vagina closed—so that whatever is inside the vagina attached to the string can carry the weight you put on the other end of the string.”
So there you go.