DON'T PLAY WITH SCISSORS! Hilarious Video Shows The Most Violent & Gruesome Outcomes
Since a very young age you're told never to play with scissors—and it's good advice, because they're sharp and you could harm yourself. If you don't believe it, then ultraviolent YouTubers Racka Racka hammer the message home in this video.
They also hammer scissors up people's nostrils and in people's eyeballs, and there's also some scissor throat-slitting thrown in for good measure.
It starts out seemingly innocent enough, with Deji from Comedy Shorts Gamer asking the Racka Racka guys to borrow some scissors. But then things go downhill quickly as one scissor-throwing leads to another, and before long eyeballs are gouged.
Then, scissor-led chaos unfolds and a few scissor stabbings later and everyone's lying on the floor, death-by-scissors all round.
And that's why you should never, ever play with scissors.