This Hilarious Vine Compilation Will Teach Any Guy Out There How To Be The Perfect Dad
Being a parent can be tough, you're faced with all kinds of difficult decisions like, when you give your kid a time-out after being naughty, should you punish them by making them listen to Korn or Nickelback?
Well, don't spend any more sleepless nights worrying about such matters, because this guy has got it all covered, from convict babysitters to letting the kids bust some moves to "Turn Down For What." And he's been decent enough to film it all and upload it to the internet so we can all learn from his parenting prowess.
He goes by the name of Bottlerocket on Vine where his byline reads "Father. Husband. Gamer. Educator. Baller." Maybe him and BatDad should team up and write a manual, the manual, on parenthood.
And finally. There is one very scary moment in the video that ALL dads should pay attention to, where mom parks the car when you next go to the shopping mall. Be afraid.