The Walking Dead - Season 6 Comic-Con Trailer Is Finally Here & It Looks Totally Amazing - #TWDS6
Zombies, zombies everywhere. That's right, The Walking Dead Comic-Con trailer is heavily infested with walkers intent on hooking up with Rick Grimes and the gang for their next meal and according to exec producer Greg Nicotero, "There are more Walkers than in any episode ever in the Walking Dead season six opener."
It's looking like our favorite zombie apocalypse survivors aren't getting many breaks at all when it comes to staying alive in the trailer for the 90-minute season six opener which will premiere on AMC in the US on Sunday, October 11 at 9pm ET, following the first season of spin-off Fear the Walking Dead.
And from the look of it there is discontent (as well as lots of zombies) within the walls of the Alexandria Safe-Zone community as it seems that the survivors are turning against each other. It's dark times ahead indeed.
The Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman is promising lots of new twists and turns, especially with the return of Morgan Jones in the finale of season 5. Seems like he's not happy with Rick's methods of community control at all. Kirkman says of the new series, "Having Rick and Morgan together, finally, again is a huge deal, and it's definitely going to be a big part of season 6."
He goes onto say, "Now it's a very different Rick and a very different Morgan who are going to have a completely different relationship. And it's the questions of how they're going to interact, how they're going to work together - if they're going to work together - and what comes from those interactions is going to be basically the spine of season six."
All the ingredients are here for an absolutely delicious season of blood, walkers, action and plot twists that will keep us satiated through those long winter months.
Suddenly the end of summer and the beginning of fall is starting to look exciting.