Go Back In Time And Watch 100 Years Of Lingerie Styles In 3 Minutes - From 1915 To The Present
Go back a hundred years and women's lingerie looked quite different to what you see today. That's not to say it was unattractive or less sexy, but it was certainly more modest than some of today's styles, especially back in 1915. As they said back then, "in olden days a glimpse of stocking was looked on as something shocking."
But then came the glam and sassy 1920s with an 'anything goes' attitude and lingerie to match—and so we journey onwards through the decades as the video sets about revealing the revealing and not-so-revealing goings on underneath women's clothes.
It takes in feathers, corsets, hosiery, lace, nightgowns, garters, silk, rompers, there all here as underwear fashions reflected and changed with the times.
You'll no doubt have a favorite look from the evolution of female undergarments, and it also raises some questions too. Like, what the heck was going on with 90s lingerie?
And why the heck was underwear so much more elegant in the early 20th century?
Maybe they should do a follow up vid, where they go back even further. Like 1,000 years, showing some of the oh-so-sexy Medieval underwear that our ancestors used to rock.
Where a bra basically consisted of a shirt with some "breastbags" attached. Hot.