Watch These Fearless Guys Test The World's Tallest And Most Terrifying Water Slide—Would You Ride It?
The world's tallest water slide, the Verrückt, looks absolutely terrifying.

It's not open to the public just yet, but the ride's designer Jeff Henry and engineer John Schooley are the first people to try it out at the Schlitterbahn Waterpark in Kansas.

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Verrückt means "insane" in German and that's exactly what this water slide looks like: utter insanity. If you suffer from vertigo, you might want to watch this footage from behind a cushion. Because even though you're watching it through the safety of a screen, it's still enough to make you feel queasy.

Here's some facts about the Verrückt: at 168 feet and 7 inches tall it's taller than both the Statue of Liberty and Niagara Falls and sits atop 264 steps at 17 storeys high. It can hit speeds of up to 65 mph, which means you have to be velcroed into an inflatable raft before you experience its horror. It's due to open some time this year.
Here's what it looks like from a distance.
via io9