Girl Fails 2015: If You Only Watch One Video Of Women Falling Over This Year, Make Sure It's This
Watching videos of ladies losing their balance, composure and whatever else comes to hand as they obey the laws of gravity and hit the ground never gets old. It's a guaranteed laugh-generator whatever mood you happen to be in. And long may it continue.
Last year we saw girls falling from horses while holding beer, we saw women falling from kid's bikes that were way too small for them, we saw women falling into lakes, cheerleaders collapsing and of course a roundup of all the best bits of 2014.
But what of 2015? What has this eventful year got to give us when it comes to women falling and failing?
That's what Fail Army's 'Ultimate Girls Fails of the Year 2015' is here to show us. And it's been a vintage year by all accounts, a year stacked full of so many women falling on their faces this compilation is 16 minutes long.
Every kind of fail is covered whether it involves water, animals, acrobatics, running, shouting, biking, dancing, sledding, swinging.
If it's a woman comically tripping over and it was caught on camera and uploaded to YouTube, chances are it's in this video. So sit back and watch, safe in the knowledge that this hasn't happened to you. Yet.