#WeaselPecker: Hilarious Internet Reactions To That Amazing Weasel Riding A Woodpecker Photo
By now you've probably seen that photo of a weasel riding a woodpecker as it flies through the air, like some kind of still from a new kid's fantasy film adaptation starring British woodland animals.
The photo was taken by Martin Le-May at Hornchurch Country Park in east London, incredibly catching the moment the weasel leapt onto the bird mid-flight to try and take it down to have for lunch.
The woodpecker got away, but the photo blew up on social media, with some doubting the photo's authenticity. But it's allegedly legit and a wildlife presenter told the BBC that it might be an unusual situation, but it isn't unheard of.
But what is definitely not real is the internet's photoshopped additions of the pic. It's almost just too perfect a gift.
Here's some of the funniest.
'90s kids, it's what we've been waiting for ... #WeaselPecker #Weasel #Woodpecker #Pokemon #90s #Pikachu #Pokemon
The obligatory brands getting in on the act.
And then there's this piece of genius.