If Women Used Dirty Pickup Lines Like Men Do They Might Sound Something Like This
Crass or outrageous dirty pickup lines are usually the preserve of bar talk among friends, and predominantly among male friends. And if they are used to try and hit on someone, mostly that someone of the opposite sex, then it's usually because the person using it is very, very drunk—and so bold enough to use dirty pickup lines that may cause offensive or just cause someone to laugh so much at the person saying it they'll feel like an idiot.
And, let's be honest here, it's usually men who come out with the more outlandish and plain dirty pickup lines.
That's not to say that's always the case or that it should always be the case, especially in these days of equal equality. Women are just as entitled to cause offense, have a joke, or risk mockery among peers for throwing down some ridiculous dirty pickup lines in a ploy to attract or distract the opposite sex. It's just it's usually men who actually have the gall to go out and attempt them in public. And society is conditioned for that outcome.
That explains why all the dirty pickup lines we all seem to remember just happen to be male-orientated.
So What Dirty Pickup Lines Would Women Use?

But just what would those pickup lines be if they were coming from women? The type that aren't just cute but are very, very explicit and dirty. This series of pics imagines what women might say if they happen to think up and say such dirty pickup lines, ones that were just as crude as some that men say. Nothing wrong with that, right?
You know the ones, those which make explicit and unashamed reference to genitalia and sex acts, in as frank and obscene a way as possible, with no thought to the line they are crossing. Which means they're both funny and extremely forward and very likely to work if said to men—which they never would be. Not seriously anyway.
It all looks and sounds funny, but that's also where the social programming mystery lies, it seems obvious that women would use dirty pickup lines the same way men do, but it's just we don't expect it to happen. Weird.
Have a look at some of the best female dirty pickup lines below and feel free to add your own.
Some Of The Best Dirty Pickup Lines For Women
