WTF Japan Seriously!? 26 Bizarre And Crazy Things Only Found In The Land Of The Rising Sun
Every country has its eccentricities, but only one will make you go WTF Japan Seriously!? And that's primarily because, not only is there only one country in the world with that name, but also because they have some real crazy things over there. The land of the rising sun is definitely on another planet. A very weird planet.
In the interest of not being biased, no doubt American and Western culture appears strange and bizarre to those from the land of the rising sun. They probably have articles and image posts dedicated to weird American idiosyncrasies, but having said that, Japan really does seem to rein supreme when it comes to weird stuff.
As can be seen in these WTF Japan Seriously moments, which yes of course feature anime school girls, but also feature a lot of other strange stuff too. For instance you'll find yourself going 'WTF Japan Seriously' while looking at some fake eyelashes that make the wearer look like they have a full head of hair growing from their eyes. Or some head cushions that are shaped like women's legs in a pencil skirt.
Or perhaps a stroller created specifically to carry a watermelon in? But when a watermelon costs $200, as the rare and luxury Densuke ones do (and are only grown on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido) then maybe you would treat it with that much care too.
Things That Make You Say 'WTF Japan!?'

And it's not just watermelons either. There's a whole luxury fruit market over there. The Japan Times reported that in 2016 a pair of Yubari melons, a type of cantaloupe grown in Hokkaido, were auctioned for a staggering, and record breaking $27,240 (3 million yen). If that doesn't make you say 'WTF Japan Seriously', nothing will.
"Fruits are treated differently in Asian culture and in Japanese society especially," Soyeon Shim, dean of the School of Human Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, told CNN. "Fruit purchase and consumption are tied to social and cultural practices. It is not only an important part of their diet, but, perhaps more importantly, fruit is considered a luxury item and plays an important and elaborate ritual part in Japan's extensive gift-giving practices."
So that's the watermelon stroller kind-of explained then. But as for the rest, well, WTF Japan! As a commentator on Reddit said, after user SkinnyYura posted many of these images to the social news site. "I don't wanna judge people but what else is there to do?"
Some More 'WTF Japan Seriously!?' Moments