Zombies Come Out To Play With Rick & The Gang At The 2016 Walker Stalker Convention In London
If you're a fan of The Walking Dead and you were anywhere near London at the weekend, chances are you were at Walker Stalker Con—I'm a fan and I was there. And most of the cast were there too—plus Walt Jr. (RJ Mitte) and Gus (Giancarlo Esposito) from Breaking Bad because, well who knows, but they were there.
Meaning it was a chance to breathe in and share the same air and air space as not only fellow zombie and horror fiends (and there were plenty of them), but also The Walking Dead stars. Well, as much as you can in a huge space, London's Olympia Grand, of over 63,000 square feet.
If you wanted to pay hard cash, and had the queuing stamina, you could get a photo and grab an autograph with, say, Carl (CORAL!) (Chandler Riggs) or Shane (Jon Bernthal), who was looking super cool in shades btw, or any number of stars who sat there greeting fans throughout the Saturday and Sunday event.
Or, like myself, if you didn't want to fork out the money or queue you could spy them from afar like some kind of weird stalker, in a sense putting the stalker in Walker Stalker. Getting excited at catching a mili-second glimpse of Melissa McBride's (who plays Carol) short grey hair in amongst a sea of jostling autograph hunters. Elsewhere you could hear "Oh look! THERE'S LORI!!!" being exclaimed by zealous fans. I.e. me.
Tyreese (Chad L Coleman), Eugene (Josh McDermitt), Abraham (Michael Cudlitz), Tobias (Lincoln A. Castellanos) from Fear the Walking Dead, Scott? (Kenric Green) (I have no clue who he is either), Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green), Bob (Lawrence Gilliard Jr.) all these cast members I managed to "meet" remotely getting within around, ooooh, 15ft of them.
Never got to see Daryl (Norman Reedus) though, but did walk past his empty stand and just paused for a moment, reflecting on the fact that he had been there, at some point. It was fun.
The crowd was also fun. Plenty of people got into the spirit of things and, as was to be expected, cosplay was in full force. Characters from the show, zombies, zombied characters from the show, zombied Velma from a completely unrelated show, all these and more were there.
We snapped some photos of them. Check them out below. And hats off to all the cosplayers, they looked great.
If you want to check if there's a Walker Stalker convention near you, check out their site for more info.